专辑:珍珠之歌2 The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2
《原神》2.0回顾主题OST《珍珠之歌2 The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2》正式上线,专辑分为《幻世浮生 A Vagrant Breeze》、《海岛奇想曲 Fantasia of the Isles》与《世路风波 A Turbulent Peregrination》3张分碟,共收录57首由HOYO-MiX音乐团队为《原神》创作的原声音乐。
本次上线的OST曲目覆盖2.0版本,HOYO-MiX让灵感与乐曲编排深入交织,民间乐器与交响乐的巧妙结合,使得旅途中各时各地的珍贵回忆被完美定格。令人回忆深刻的有枫原万叶为旅行者挡刀时的BOSS战音乐《向着胜利Marching to Victory》。音律点缀着鏖战时分,不禁让人耳边响起万叶那句:“总会有地上的生灵,敢于直面雷霆的威光!”,激昂紧迫的鼓点与剧情节奏同时推向高潮,饱满的角色情感总是让玩家在激战之时深受感染。
而在月下,旅行者与白鹭公主神里绫华共度的时光,也被书写在本专辑音乐《白鹭舒翼Pathos of Shirasagi》中。幽静的配乐恰似月光,点亮绫华在溪流间翩跹的身姿,悠扬宁静的音符缓缓流入旅行者被月色浸润的心间。
CD 1
1 Pathos of Shirasagi
2 The Comrades’ Ambush
3 Trial of Thunder
4 Shogun’s Abdication
5 Unpredicted Conspiracy
6 A Sense of Foreboding
7 Wreck of Eternal Bane
8 Marching to Victory
9 Approaching Thunder
10 Bitter Triumph
11 Her Imperial Majesty
12 Eureka Moment
13 Odyssey to the Uncharted
14 Unforeseen Disaster
15 Fury Unleashed
16 Separate Ways
17 Take This!
18 Suffering of Parting
19 Under the Sun
20 Vanished Beyond Recall
21 Nothing but a Dream
22 Illusory Apparitions
23 Midnight in Mondstadt
CD 2
1 Tagelied nächtlicher Gedanken
2 Traum durch die Dämmerung, erster Satz
3 Traum durch die Dämmerung, zweiter Satz
4 Das Folkwanglied
5 Ein vogellin, so wol getan
6 Soliloquy of the Star
7 Flickering Brightness
8 Burst Into Flames
9 Die Mittsommernacht-Fantasie
CD 3
1 The Liyue Romans-Fleuves
2 Bravery and Tenderness
3 Rumble of Thunder
4 Roots of Tranquil Eternity
5 Miko’s Ingenuity
6 A Region Rediscovered
7 Cold Light
8 Broken Blade
9 Unfulfilled Aspirations
10 Evergreen Cypress
11 Magnificent Irodori
12 Breaking Point
13 A Clueless Case
14 Hang by a Thread
15 Yaksha’s Reminiscence
16 Easier Said Than Done
17 A Single Thought
18 Prelude of Change
19 Phantasm Suite
20 The Everlasting Trail
21 Dazzling Stars
22 The Floating World
23 Soar in the Wind
24 Elogia Cinerosa
25 Song of Innocence